Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Currently in...

AZ at home enjoying my spring break to the highest level!!!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Just because...

Seventh grade is no more along with 12. now its eigth grade and 13 (im officaly a teen ager :)) I cant believe that im moving to a new school and new house! its happening so fast! my room is already filled with boxes and im almost all packed up. but as ready as i am for this big change i dont want to leave, i dont want to start over with new people and new faces, but i guess i will enjoy anything no matter where i am so i think i should stop worring and just go with the flow. I will enjot this summer for everything its worth and worry about school in August. Im really looking forward to my summer plans, usually everyone is home relaxing and im running from place to place but this time thats my siblings and my step dad. this summer my mom and i are kickin it together and just hangin out. i have a few shows and i'll go camping but im pretty much just babysitting and sitting on my couh with a book like a teen ager would spend their summer. im so excited to not be so busy for a change and just relax in between a few livestock shows. tjis summer will be fun and i can hang with some friends before the next school year comes and we wont see eachother. well i guess what im trying to say is that i will enjoy this summer and i hope you all do too :)

Summer, Here at Last!

It's summer at last! Is everyone as excited as me? County fair is over and my sheep are gone :( but i think i'll be okay. Lets see, fair was a blast! i had so much fun! I also did very well, i got first in showmanship and reserve grand champion in round robbin, in market i got first in my class, reserve grand champion in my whole breed, and reserve grand champion in the whole county which is a pretty big deal for buckeye. (i made the paper and everything!) I spent my birthday riding rides with my boyfriend and hangin out with family and friends and i'm just so excited for next year! Oh and by the way, I keep forgetting it's still very new to me, i'm 13!!!!!!! Well this time i promise to blog more and stop forgetting about it.
To all my readers!
have an awesome summer!

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Super Sorry!!!

My Goodness has it been a while! My computer was not letting me log on but my mommy just bought herself a new laptop and it thankfully lets me log on!!! Well yesterday i got my hair cut! i'll get some pictures soon, everything is so busy around here what with spring break ending and County Fair coming up! I just cant wait! i also just acant believe it's been so long since the last time i updated my blog! i miss every one! kisses! MUAH!