Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

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AZ at home enjoying my spring break to the highest level!!!

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Summer, Here at Last!

It's summer at last! Is everyone as excited as me? County fair is over and my sheep are gone :( but i think i'll be okay. Lets see, fair was a blast! i had so much fun! I also did very well, i got first in showmanship and reserve grand champion in round robbin, in market i got first in my class, reserve grand champion in my whole breed, and reserve grand champion in the whole county which is a pretty big deal for buckeye. (i made the paper and everything!) I spent my birthday riding rides with my boyfriend and hangin out with family and friends and i'm just so excited for next year! Oh and by the way, I keep forgetting it's still very new to me, i'm 13!!!!!!! Well this time i promise to blog more and stop forgetting about it.
To all my readers!
have an awesome summer!


  1. Yay, Summer! and way to go at the fair! I am so proud of you. Looking forward to seeing more blog posts. Love you

  2. Great job love! I miss you oodles & can't wait to see you again. XO
